Anyone who still denies that monkeys are basically small humans with tails (I’m paraphrasing Darwin), has not experienced Whiplash the rodeo monkey in action.
Whiplash was apparently Brad Pitt‘s horse-riding instructor in A River Runs Through It. (And almost snagged a role in 12 Monkeys through his A-list friend.)
He’s also been romatically linked to Tara Reid and one of the less-gifted Kardashians. (At the same time.)
WL drew some tabloid heat after a hotel meltdown which saw him throw a mini-bar out of his hotel window in LA. The small fridge landed just metres from an equally angry Russell Crowe, who was so startled that he launched headlong into a fight with a poolside waiter. (Much like when a bull terrier gets frightened and bites anything near it.)
But Whiplash cleaned up his act, completing a stint in rehab and teaching underprivileged kids to use a lasso rope (as part of a court sentence.)
So book a sober and focused Whiplash for your function, birthday or rodeo today. He’s currently filming with Tarantino in Hawaii, but you can contact him here.
ADDITION: It’s been pointed out that there’s zero mention that a dog is playing the role of a horse. You are correct, this should have received more attention.
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